China 5: Wait, already?

We just closed in on our fourth week. Fourth. There are only two weeks left, and those can’t be legitimate, since Sam, Emma, and Thomas (and Greta too, I think) are leaving throughout those two weeks. My time has been so incredible; I can’t believe we’re getting closer to the end.

An update on the haircut: after I took a shower, everything went flat. Shoot. The guy who did my hair volumized it, blew it up, and made it awesome. I don’t own a hairdryer or many fancy hair accessories, so I borrowed a straightener and made it look as good as I could. Darn. Well, when I get home, I’ll have to get some nice volumizing shampoo and cross my fingers it works.

The Backyard School has been going alright, but it sucks a lot of my energy. Sometimes I just go day-by-day, planning it out as I go, but I try to make a plan (unit, if you will) for the week and go by that. For example, last week we did body parts/recognition and sensory. This week, we’re going numbers. I’m trying to keep it relatively broad 🙂

Anyways, it’s going to be a sad day when people start leaving, but until then… I’m trying to make the most of my time!

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